A site examining metaphysical forensics & the manipulation of thought

Posts tagged ‘Brain Stimulation’

Was Aaron Alexis a TI?

Like James Holmes in Aurora, Aaron Alexis shot & killed 12 people. Unlike Holmes, but like Adam Lanza in Newtown, Alexis was also killed. I guess there will be no interviewing him to get his side of the story. It’s not like we get to hear anything from Holmes either, though.

He is reported to have complained about hearing voices & feeling vibrations in his body. He was reported to he been on psych meds. He was also reported to have had some violent crimes in his past. I’m sure there are plenty of facts we are not told, however.

I am a TI, suffering from similar things, but while I may get angry about what is happening to me, I would never pick up a gun & kill anyone. I don’t own any guns, anyway. When I get angry about what is so cruelly being done to me and other nonconsensual human experimentees, I usually get some exercise, read a book, look at something funny, or do some housework. Does that make me any better than these other Targeted Individuals who end up going postal? No, just more in control, thankfully.

Could the psych meds make the difference in whether or not a TI becomes a killer?

Thankfully, I’m not on psych meds. I stopped taking them when I realized they don’t work. Which means, in all likelihood, I am not schizophrenic. Chances are Aaron Alexis wasn’t schizophrenic either, just a targeted individual who “went postal”. Kind of sheds a whole new light on the phrase “going postal“, doesn’t it?

If Aaron Alexis wasn’t actually suffering from a psychiatric problem, & instead, was being targeted by some one with a malefic purpose, then those people who pushed him into this mess are fully responsible for what happened. I mean, what if he was a human guinea pig? What if he had brain implants, ala Dr. Jose Delgado’s research into brain stimulation? Will they do an autopsy? If they do, would they release the results? Would the corporate-owned news media ever tell the whole truth to the American public?

That is, unless it is all just another big acting job by the corporate owned news media. I mean, if this man was really complaining about hearing voices, was on psych meds, and had a violent criminal history, how was he allowed to be at a Naval facility in D.C.? Something smells fishy regarding this whole situation, as it does in the cases of Adam Lanza & James Holmes.

I think the whole idea of a “Manchurian Candidate” is a ruse. I think it is a set up. I think the so-called “Manchurian Candidate” is a person who is more likely framed for a crime they didn’t commit. Like Lee Harvey Oswald, for example. At least the public was able to hear that man actually say that he was a patsy. But that was before the media got owned.

If you are a TI… take care. Don’t go to the psychiatrists, as they won’t help you, & it will only allow them to pin some bogus crime on you later. Don’t lash out at people, since you never know exactly who is behind what is happening to you. Just do your best to survive & see if you can visualize kicking their collective arses in the astral realm.

And remember… anything you learn from the corporate media is merely the stuff you are allowed to know, & it may or may not be related to the truth.


Mind Control and the Targeted Individual

Regarding Mind Control and Targeted Individuals:

RFIDRiceFingersComparisonSome people say the government is responsible for what is happening to Targeted Individuals. Some say aliens are responsible. Some people say it is demonic in nature & accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior is the only way to find relief. Some say this phenomena is “cause stalking” by a group of people who have judged the victim in absentia. Even still, there are those people, like some bloggers, who say it is something like “a godlike entity manipulating humanity”. I even read where one blogger overheard his handlers referring to him as “the sacrifice“.

As a victim of this, it becomes very difficult to know what the actual truth is. I am harassed with voices, directed conversation, pain, some sort of radiation hits in the chest, crotch, head, to the point where I honestly don’t understand what is happening. I am not alone in this, as I have read & seen many other victims of this horrendous crime speak out about the exact same things. One begins to wonder if God is really a cruel entity allowing these things to go on, or worse, causing them, which is something I really don’t want to believe. If I am wrong about this, then I beg forgiveness, but I am confused about this issue.

RightSideImplantThis confusion may be done on purpose to make it impossible for the actual target to ever understand the whole truth Delgadobehind what is going on. In my case, however, the very visible & obvious implants in my ears make it all to clear that someone has been controlling me throughout my life. Since it is well-known that Dr. Jose Delgado was doing his research into brain stimulation with implants back in the 1950s & for at least 20 years, it is not hard to imagine that I might’ve been sold into this “program” as a baby, through adoption. I have noticed that there is a predominance of adoptees & foster kids who are victims, who blog & vlog about this horrible situation. This is telling.

I’m so sorry for those who are suffering through this. No one deserves it, especially when you consider the overarching problem at the root of all of this. The problem that I see is that mind control has been happening on some level, for centuries at least. Mind control, by definition, removes freewill, & there are many ways in which mind control is used to subtly influence people. The flicker rate of tv & movies alone is enough to hypnotize people, especially children. Any subliminal messages in movies or television, such as hidden symbolism, access the subconscious mind directly, especially while people are in a trance. It is the manipulation of the human mind, which again, removes freewill.

It does seem that trauma plays a role in how much of an impact mind control has on an individual. It is now professionally recognized that adoption is a trauma for the baby, so it stands to reason that being placed in foster care, or any separation of a child from it’s natural parents would then also be traumatic. What about other traumas that occur in infancy & early childhood? Like the near drowning at 3 years old, cited by so many ritual abuse victims? How about circumcision at birth? What about the onslaught of tests, immunizations, goo in the eyes, separation from mother, endured by most newborns born in hospitals? Could it be that these early traumas have a purpose beyond what is stated regarding the reasons for what is cited above?

TVMCAn adoptee, I grew up with TV as my main babysitter, as did many people who are my age. We were totally brainwashed. I can only imagine how many veterans (who were programed to be heroes, via TV & movies) are now being mentally harassed, blamed for everything they might’ve done during wartime. I say this because I know that I am constantly blamed for things in my past, even though it is clear that I never truly had freewill in my life, do to the many ways in which I was affected by mind control.

I have observed multiple ways a “system” can exert mind control over it’s population:

1) Religion– Religion has a long history of being used to control the masses. Children are brought up in a religion & know nothing else. Most of these religions are pagan in origin, but vehemently deny that fact, & then carry on with obvious pagan traditions. This would naturally cause a conflict in a child’s mind. The bible warns that “Christians would be persecuted in the so-called “end times”. Is it a coincidence that I know a fellow TI who’s name is “Christian”? I doubt it.

2) Education– The educational system in the US especially, has a specific slanted point of view. If a child does not internalize this point of view, they end up with poor grades & labeled as losers.

3) Parenting– Parents have a specific point of view & want their children at least to understand it, but some parents enforce their point of view on their children. But worse than this is the fact that some parents simply leave their kids alone most of the time, only giving negative attention to them. This is a form of negative programming.

4) Media (TV, movies, music, talk radio, etc.)- Growing up with the mass media, I can attest to the fact that it shaped my beliefs, especially since I had negative programming from my own parents, & was mostly left alone by them. Television was my primary baby sitter. There are subliminals in movies & television to be sure, but also in music. Some messages are in the form of cleverly hidden artwork or backwards masking, but others can be found in the themes, which get repeated over & over in multiple movies & stories viewed by adults & children alike. As I’ve seen others point out, there is a reason why they call it “television programming”. There are those who will vehemently deny that subliminal programming exists, even when it is right in your face (see
Subliminal Sex Messages and Pornography in Advertising and Cartoons
). However, the flicker rate of television & movies alone is enough to put people in a trance, especially when in front of the big-screen. Ever notice how large tv screens are these days? And why all that push for people to get HDTV even to the point of giving away free converters to people? Ever since that happened, it sure seems like things changed really quickly. It is like Orwell’s 1984, just a little bit different.

5) Language– If you take a good, hard look at the English language, you will find negative root words in many other words & proper names. I have a video on this, called “Mind Control Using Symbolism in Language and Numbers”. A couple of examples though: how many words can you find with the root words mar, war, ill, or ow in them? This attests to how society, which learns language very young, is controlled by a very negative base program. There is this symbolism inherent in our language, some of it is visual (reading), while some of it is phonetic (hearing). You might consider your own name & how you might’ve been treated by others throughout your life based on it.

6) Controlled Opposition Groups– These are groups formed with the specific intent of controlling any opposition to the “system” (i.e. cult-ure or society). They are often, but not exclusively, from other countries, coming over to the US to alert people to the existence of mind control. Then, when people begin to wake up, they are targeted by the system that wants to defend its existence. They use mind control techniques such as NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) to give them a powerful influence on people.

7) Occult Practices– Mind Control has been going on at least since the Pharos in Egypt, but more likely, it goes back to the Druids. They’ve been using drugs & hypnotism for centuries, possibly much longer, and believe it or not, black magic & voodoo are also involved. They are pushing forth an intent to influence individuals & society as a whole, using meta-physical technologies, the knowledge of which has been passed down through their generations, the result of which has effects on the spirit of a person. Psyche comes from a Greek word referring to the spirit. Knowing the psychology of human beings allows for a greater influence over them.

8) Implants & Other Physical Technologies– When I consider the work of Nazi scientists & the fact that the US brought them to this country under “Project Paperclip” to continue their experiments, it becomes extremely difficult for me to ignore the possibility that people are actually sold into programs of mind control experimentation, sometimes by their own parents. Technologies such as brain implants (see Dr. Jose Delgado’s work in the 1950s & 60s), are used to completely wreck a person’s life or to enhance it.

The positive implications for mind control make it absolutely disgusting that they are using it to influence so many people in such negative ways. I mean, they could use it to help people quit smoking, for example, or to make people more successful & therefore allow them to make better contributions to the world. So, why wouldn’t they?

It is my theory that those who are responsible for the most intense aspects of mind control, such as implants, do actually usegoldendawn it for positive purposes, but only on pre-designated people (i.e. the ones they can control the most), while for others (the ones they deem as the “losers”), it is used to keep that class of people down. It seems that they are keeping a balance by doing this: one group is brought to new heights, while the other is brought to extreme lows.

snake_37Taking a look at a hexagram shows this in a symbolic way: one triangle pointed up, and the other pointed down. The hexagram is prominently displayed in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, & it is also used in Theosophy. Both of these organizations, among others, are so-called “Secret Societies”, who, like the Freemasons, allow only those at the very top of the hierarchy to know the full truth of their methods & practices, and what their role is in society at large. The hexagram is only one example of a meta-physical technology.

Those who are TIs are suffering as a result of being put at the pinnacle of an upside-down triangle, while their “chosen ones” are placed at the top.

It is also my theory that the ones who are held down, throughout their lives are then used for the creative inspiration that naturally comes from this sort of oppression. This inspiration gleaned from victims ultimately shows up in TV, movies, & music, which means that there is a whole class of people benefitting from another class’ suffering. It is an unspoken, unacknowledged form of slavery that can only result in emotional issues for the unwitting victims. These issues would then cause the victim to act out in a variety of ways, throughout their lives, since on some subconscious level, they probably know that they have been covertly enslaved.

This makes the TI the ultimate muse for an elitist system that sees people as mere “human resources” to be “utilized”. Trying to get any compensation or justice for what has been done to them, simply makes them look “crazy” or schizophrenic to those who don’t understand such a thing. However, part of me wonders if maybe everyone around the victim is well justiceblindaware of the nightmare going on in front of their faces & simply refuse to acknowledge it, lest the victim have a foothold into getting any justice for what has been done. There is a reason why “justice is blind” is a well-known phrase in this world, & it has absolutely nothing to do with impartiality.

I am pretty sure that the idea of justice is now nothing more than a simulacrum of the original concept.

In my own situation, it seems that my whole life has been orchestrated, unbeknownst to me until more recently. I only just began to wake up to the situation in 2008, which is, coincidentally, the same year that I discovered I had implants in each ear. Symbolically & psychologically, my life seems to have been completely manipulated to make me negative, sad, confused, depressed, & apathetic. I have even seen how some of the more “metaphysical” technologies affected my adoptive mother’s life.

Some people would call what is happening to Targeted Individuals an affliction, but I would call it an infliction because it is inflicted on us by some other entity or entities.

When you present obvious evidence & people don’t believe you, it can be extremely frustrating. Many of the same people who admit that the powers that be are using symbolism to manipulate human beings, will then deny the possibility that a person has been manipulated in this way. Many people who admit that there is all sorts of technology being used against people will then deny that implants exist, even though Dr. Delgado’s work in brain stimulation is well-known. This seems to be by design & with the intent of driving the victim mad.

This will result in further discrediting the victim, who has most likely already had a smear campaign done against them. Those involved in these kinds of psyops (psychological operations), with the intent of destroying the victim’s life, credibility, sanity, and health, really deserve to be cursed to live the life they are consigning victims to.

Two Views On The Lack Of Freewill

12th Trump from the Thoth Tarot Deck


After what I have discovered regarding archetypal transference and its effect on freewill, I recently happened upon an article regarding freewill, or the lack thereof.

A Scientific View:

A Metaphysical View:

Abolish the Archetypes & Restore Freewill

I bring this subject up again because it seems that there are a great many people out there who seem to think that the elites (powers that be) need our consent to do certain things, like take away human rights. I simply do not agree with this concept because of what I have been through in my life. I have learned that my whole life has been virtually devoid of freewill, meaning, that for the most part, the events, decisions, beliefs, desires, and emotions I have experienced in my life have been a reaction to programming, via tell-a-vision, movies, music, trauma, neglect, verbal abuse, and, yes, implants.

As a member of a group known as targeted individuals, also known as nonconsentual human experimentees, I am having the same issues as so many others in this section of the population. However, after taking a long hard look at my life, I am seeing that this has been happening my whole life, albeit in a less obvious form…. or maybe I just wasn’t aware of it.

In 2008, I found the RFID sized implants in my ears, which is, coincedentally, the same year I began to hear voices, and the same year I found myself in horrifying pain in my privates, which hasn’t ceased today, but is now combined with all-over iching for no reason, hot spots on various areas of my body (as if someone is holding a lit match up to my skin), heart palpitaions, labored breathing (as if someone is sitting on my chest), burning in my chest and breasts, feeling like the bottoms of my feet are on fire, feeling a rush of adrenaline, making me a nervous wreck, unexplained fear, muscle cramps and twitches. I am simply not myself anymore. So, after making a concerted effort to become a more positive person in my life in 2007, it seems like there was some force out there that simply did not want me to become more positive. It came in and began torturing me in the most inhumane ways, as if in an effort to force me to be negative so that I would attract negative things into my life. I found that people I once trusted, family and friends, began to lie to and about me.Like many targeted individuals, the medical community, police, attorneys, etc., all deny it is happening.

Photos of my implants, which are easily seen by the naked eye, and felt to the touch, and are located about in the place where the external part of a cochlear implant would be (except they go through the cartilage of my ears), is at: https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/implants-any-questions/

At one point, I thought I was schizophrenic, so I saw a psychiatrist, who promptly dispensed schizophrenic medications to me, which, in fact, made the voices much worse. I was also turned down for disability by a judge, despite the fact that I was given schizophrenic medications, which leads me to believe there is something more insidious going on in my case. It seems to me that a disability has been induced with the use o these implants, so that I would be unable to work, yet, the judge denying me disability tells me that they just want me to die and not be able to get any real medical help, a hope which receiving medicare might have afforded me.

Since I was adopted, and held in custody of the Catholic agency for the first 6 weeks of my life, I have to consider the possibility that I was stolen and sold into a mind control program, which is why I am being targeted now, because I am a witness to an unethical crime done to a newborn baby. I do not say this lightly. I have done some research and found that the Catholic Church in Spain is responsible for stealing over 300,000 babies from their parents and selling them to adoptive families (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b016d7hz and http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/10/spains-stolen-babies-an-ugly-past-on-a-staggering-scale-2/), and I have also read of another Catholic adoption scandal in Ireland. Considering the opulence of the Vatican and the Catholic Church in general, it is not a stretch of the imagination that I might have been a victim of Catholic child-trafficking.

Regardless of how I arrived into the hands of such merciless individuals, able to put implants into a child’s head, and use trauma (typical drowning at 3y/o), neglect, verbal & emotional abuse, and mirrors to mind control me, the fact remains that there are simply way too many factors that parallel accounts from the Springmeier/Wheeler book on mind controlled slaves, for me to ignore them any longer.

That being said, it becomes clearer and clearer, with each passing day, that I am indeed a victim of mind control, repleat with implants, and yet, I am finding it difficult to find any help from the medical community so far. If I could only just remove one of these “glorified headphones”, I might find a serial number and be able to track down the manufacturer and who they sold them to. Since I was born at least 15 years after Dr. Jose Delgado began his research into brain stimulation, and since I know what that man was able to do with this stuff, I now know that I never truly had freewill. http://www.wireheading.com/delgado/brainchips.pdf

What was done to me is the direct removal of my freewill through the use of implants, among other typical mind control tactics.

Yet, I hold out the hope that some how, some way, I will find the help I need and deserve, after everything I have been through in my not-so-long life. I say this even though I have become a target for the worst kind of evil, forcing me out of my job, and ruining my entire life, which now has me in fear for my health, life, freedom, and my very soul. I am living in a world of the double-bind, where those things that are truly absurd, sick, and demented are being perpetrated, and/or tolerated by those around me. One look at my implants, and you would know I am not simply schizophrenic.

Those who implanted these things into my ears, and those who are now utilizing the technology to torment me with voices, are directly responsible for stealing the person I was meant to be away from me, and should be held accountable for their unethical and illegal behavior. https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/this-is-a-bill/

Peace, and may every targeted individual find relief from this evil soon.



I am owed, by parties cited below (and possibly others not cited below), my life, health, freedom, wellbeing, freewill, and indeed, my very soul, back from all parties involved in the placement of my personal property (myself) into an experimental mind control program, without my consent, that involved the use of RFID-sized implants in my ears, which served to change me from the person I was born to be.

My HUMAN RIGHTS WERE VIOLATED. While there is no amount of money that can recoup my loss or replace what has been stolen from me, I deserve at least that from those involved. I did not consent to be taken from my birthmother, or placed into an experimental program involving the use of implants (see photos below), therefore I am owed all those things above, plus the amount of 5 million dollars for mental anguish, loss of livelihood/employability, for all bills acquired by me, which are a direct result of my being influenced by these implants.

Since I can feel both sides of each implant, they obviously go directly through the cartilage of my ears, and it cannot be doubted that they are unnatural foreign objects, and not, as some would say, keloid scars or cutaneous horns. Their size is the same as that of RFID implants. Given the sensations I experience and have experienced through them, I must conclude they are some form of microchip or RFID chip.

RightSideImplant     Implant on left side with circle to indicate location     RFID_rice_fingerscochlear_implant


This bill is directed to, but not limited to, the following participating parties:

Catholic Charities for possibly stealing me from my natural parents, for holding me in their custody for the first 6 weeks of my life, causing an attachment disorder, and for placing me in a family, solely because they had money (upper middle class in the late 60s) but were not necessarily meant to raise more children. I was often left alone, neglected, verbally and sometimes physically abused, and was given television as a main baby sitter. I had a near drowning at 3y/o. I was allowed to play alone in the woods at 6 years old and beyond. I spent the latter half of my childhood in a literal house of mirrors. The use of mirrors in mind control is a heavily documented subject, and drownings at the age of 3 are often cited in ritual abuse cases.

Whatever company or entity manufactured the RFID chips that are in my ears.

Whatever doctor or entity implanted those chips into my ears.

Whatever agency, group, company, entity, or human being that authorized the placement of those chips into my ears.

Whatever agency, group, company, entity, or human being that utilized the implanted RFID chips for whatever experiment I was involved in, past, present, or future.

Whatever group, company, entity, or human being who profited from the placement of said implants.

Whatever group, company, entity, or human being who profited from the suffering endured by me as a result of the placement of me in any experimental program, including any program that involved the use of any implanted chips on my body.

Here is a short explanation of what I have been through as a result of what was done to me:

I was born in the late 60s, after Dr. Jose Delgado had begun working on brain stimulation with implants in the heads of rats, cats, dogs, and even a bull. He was able to “play animals like instruments”. This research was begun in the early 50s, at least 15 years before I was born. This technology has positive aspects in the ability to improve the quality of life for many people who are disabled, but it obviously fell into the wrong hands, because it had powerful, far-reaching, negative effects on my quality of life and on my emotional wellbeing.

Since I have never felt pain in the sites of these implants, I am forced to conclude that they have been with me since birth. Since I was held in custody of the adoption agency for the first 6 weeks of my life, it seems logical to think that it was most likely done during the period between 12/12/1967 and 1/22/1968. If they were implanted during that time, they may have been used to “play me” in the same way that Dr. Delgado’s animals were “played”. This means that various parts of my brain were possibly stimulated to make me depressed, sad, lonely, apathetic, emotionally disturbed, causing me to make very bad decisions in life, and to eventually become a drug addict, so that I would be easily labeled and discredited. I am no longer a drug addict, but have been left with emotional trauma that I cannot heal.

It must be noted that, when these “chips” were implanted in my head, it was WITHOUT MY CONSENT, AND it was most certainly NOT LEGAL to do so. Even if they were somehow implanted into my head during my last surgery in November of 2004 (and I am not saying they were), it was still NOT LEGAL to do so without my consent. That being said, I never felt pain in the sites of the implants after that surgery in 2004, or after any surgery I have ever had, which is why I believe it was done to me as an infant, which is reprehensible.

I am not necessarily blaming my adoptive parents because I do not know how much they knew about my having implants (although I do suspect some knowledge on the part of my father), they could have just been following the pattern they grew up with. I am not blaming my adoptive brother, because I know how he was treated when he lived in the house with us, although he did do a number of things that were frightening, to say the least.

The combination of childhood neglect and abuse, having TV as a main babysitter (flicker-rate/refresh-rate hypnosis), and being implanted with RFID chips in each ear, which have been influencing me on a subliminal level throughout my life, thereby removing a large portion of my freewill, have prohibited me from reaching my true potential & have stolen the person I was meant to be from me. This is nothing to say of the effects of flicker-rate hypnosis & post hypnotic suggestion.

All that would be needed to determine the responsible parties would be to remove at least one implant and find a serial number from it. This would allow me to track down the manufacturer and who they sold it to. IF I DIE before I am able to do this, I ask for an AUTOPSY to be performed, to remove these implants, and track down the manufacturer. I am asking for this because my quality of life has severely declined over the past few years, since I became a target for what is now being called “soft kill“, “slow kill“, and “no-touch torture“, and I am concerned about how much time I have left. I suffer all the symptoms of other targeted indiviuals.

I have been VIOLATED on a level that is difficult to quantify, but I am trying my best to put it into words.

By the way, I was not born into this world, to be ripped off by the collective, and given next to nothing in return. Those who were & are involved in doing this to me will be damned as they have damned me. Period. End of story.

For more information on the capabilities of brain implants in the 1950s & 1960s, as demonstrated by Dr. Jose Delgado, please see the following documents online:



The use of children from orphanages for experimental programs is known by many, including those involved in these programs. For more information about how adoption agencies sell children in general, see these documents:





For more information on the effects of adoption on children in general, see these documents:



For more information on Human Rights, see this document:








I Am a Human Being

Sadly, I find myself repeating the statement made by John Merrick, in The Elephant Man: “I am not animal, I am a human being!”

As some of you know, if you’ve read some of my documents about my case as a mind control victim and targeted individual, my initials spell CAT. So I just heard a voice, coming through these glorified headphones (see photos below) implanted in each of my ears, “we are killing off the animals”. So I responded with, which I am sure they expected, “I am not an animal, I am a human being”. They probably got a good laugh at that one.

This is yet another reason why I know I have been a mind control victim. I was named with these initials specifically so I could be dehumanized by my stalkers, who are somehow able to communicate to me through these implants. This shouldn’t be difficult to recognize, if you are aware of Dr. Jose Delgado’s research involving putting a stimoceiver into a bull’s brain to be able to stop it from charging, using a remote control. This research, done during the 50s and 60s, allowed Dr. Delgado to “play animals like instruments”. If this technology was available back then, what is it being used for now? How far has it advanced since Delgado’s work?

I am reminded of a movie made in the 70s, called “The Andromeda Strain”, in which they showed people in this underground army base using a touch screen computer. The screen was on a bulky monitor, yet if you watched, you could see the display actually change, behind the glass, when the operator touched a virtual (graphic) button on that display. This tells me that any new technology has probably been around at least 20 or 30 years before it is released to the public. Most people take this idea about technology for granted anyway, but seeing that movie put it into perspective for me.

I have been in constant pain for over four years now. Most of my pain is unfortunately located in my privates. It feels like I am being electrocuted in my vagina. I hope that doesn’t offend anyone, but I just don’t know how else to say it. The only relief I get is when I am asleep. Coincidentally, the only relief I get from the voices coming through these implants is also when I am sleeping. I have a flashback, involving a procedure I had done to remove cervical dysplasia, during which, I was under a general anesthetic. Four years after the procedure was done, I began to have symptoms of a condition, called vulvodynia, which is often caused by trauma to the area. Two years after the pain started, and six years after the procedure, I had a flashback of a doctor using a very loud instrument on me; my mother was there, I could hear the instrument and my own screams.

Many targeted individuals who have done research on the voices phenomena are aware that the capability exists called “heterodyning” that is used to project voices at a person, which no one else can hear. I get this type of transmission also, but the fact that I have obvious implants in the cartilage of each ear (see photos), and the size of these implants (the exact size of RFID chips), tells me that they may have been used, throughout my life, during my sleep, to program me, and to manipulate my emotions, beliefs, opinions, and who knows what else. Could it be that these implants caused me to be depressed, apathetic, angry, uneasy, and generally negative throughout my life? It wouldn’t be hard to recognize the possibility once one has read about Dr. Delgado’s research.

Below are photos of my implants, which can be plainly seen and felt:

Ear before pulling back to expose implant   100_3176


As you can see, the implant is not noticeable, until I lightly pull back on the top part of my ear. I can put my finger into the top part of my ear, behind the implant, and feel the rounded, other end of it, meaning that the implant goes right through the cartilage.LeftSideImplant

I am desperate to get at least one of these removed, so I can get a serial number from it and track down who made it, so I can find out who did this to me. I would have a big, fat lawsuit against the organization responsible for putting implants into a baby’s head, if I could just find an honorable attorney and doctor. I am just not sure if honorable professionals in these areas exist anymore, after what I’ve been through over the past few years.

Most brain implants have wires attached to them, allowing deep penetration into the brain, so that various areas can be stimulated, creating various effects. Delgado was able to put previously calm people into rages, and vice-versa. Yet, when I have gone online to talk about the variety of mental, physical, and even metaphysical tortures I have been through, many people like to tell me I am crazy.

For more information on Dr. Jose Delgado’s stimoceiver work, please see these links:




I am deeply grateful to those who have offered information to me regarding my situation, like MJ, who sent me a link to a story about a catholic agency, in Spain, responsible for selling 300,000 babies, telling most mothers that their babies died at birth.

I am angry with those who had the capability to do the right thing and investigate, but did nothing, except call me a liar. An example of this is the psychologist who had the nerve to tell me that these things in my ears were just keloids (a type of scar). Well, here is an example of what keloids look like:

Keloid Example

Keloids are scars that are raised above the skin. They do not occur on their own, for no reason, in symmetrical locations. People generally do not feel vibrations through them or hear voices through them, regardless of location.

I had one person try to tell me that they were cutaneous horns, which look nothing like what I have on my ears. Cutaneous horns result from a buildup of keratin in an area, usually on the face or ears. I have yet to find a case where they developed in symmetrical locations, and they are above the skin, not under it, like my implants are. Incidentally, when I have searched the term “subcutaneous horns”, what I find are actually cutaneous horns, according to the photos I have found which are the same ones I found when searching the term “cutaneous horns”.

This is a cutaneous horn:







This is one of my implants:

Implant with circle to indicate location


Can you see the difference?

The fact that medical professionals have been unwilling to help me so far, speaks volumes. The fact that these voices have gotten me labeled as schizophrenic, yet I was denied by a judge for disability, also speaks volumes. Clearly, I was denied for disability because if I was granted disability, I would have healthcare, and I might have been able to get a doctor to look at these things. Once I get a serial number from one of these implants, someone would be exposed for their role in unlawful and unethical experimentation done on an unwitting victim.

Could it be that I was sold, through adoption, to be a part of some sick experiment, involving the use of implants, among other things, including mirrors, neglect, and abuse? It becomes harder and harder for me to deny the possibility.

If you, the reader, know of any honorable attorneys or doctors who might be willing to help me discover the whole truth, I would certainly give you a portion of any settlement or lawsuit award I might receive as a result.

Thank you for reading!
