A site examining metaphysical forensics & the manipulation of thought

Archive for November, 2012

Law of Attraction and Mind Control

This is an occult symbol which illustrates the subject matter of this article.

This is an occult symbol which illustrates the subject matter of this article.

After everything I have been through in relation to being mind controlled & implanted without my consent, everything I have read about the subject of mind control & ritual abuse, and everything I have read in relation to the so-called “Law of Attraction“, it occurs to me that those in power who are using mind control against others are doing it with a specific purpose in mind: to get those who are what they call “expendable” (the victims) to create negative karma and to attract negative things to themselves, so they (the perpetrators) can attract more positive things to themselves, their reasoning being that they need to keep a balance in nature. The only way those in power can have more, in their minds, is to take it away from someone else. It is in this way, that they believe they are in balance, and therefore justify their most heinous actions against those against whom they wage war, as well as all those who now find themselves in the unfortunate position of being nonconsensual human experimentees, or TIs (Targeted Individuals).

It is my contention that this is their way of cheating the “game of life“. By forcing someone who was originally a very positive and loving child into being a negative teen & adult, they are circumventing the freewill of an individual. They use the occult to do this, using astrological and tarot 12th Trump from the Thoth Tarot Deckarchetypes, which filter into the collective consciousness in the form of memes, but by putting implants in the victim’s head, they are better able to control what they have already put in place using the “The Butterfly Effect” and “Law of Attraction” in combination with the tarot, and in my case, it was the 12th trump of the Thoth tarot, authored by Aleister Crowley (a known satanist), and illustrated by Frieda Harris. As I have written about in other articles, my birthdate being 12/12 unwittingly tied me to the occult magic of the tarot, causing me to live an “upside-down life”, as seen in the Hanged Man card from that deck, in which a person is unconscious, upside-down, 3 limbs nailed down, the other foot tied to an upside-down ankh (which is the Egyptian heiroglyph for life, by the way), and a serpent attached to the head of the victim with what appear to be rays. The first manifestation of which came in the form of me being forced to write right-handed, when I was naturally left-inclined, which I have written about in my article called, “The Case for Left-handedness”.

I often hear people say “what goes around comes around“. If some one or some group had a specific intent of making someone negative against their nature (via this 12th trump card showing a reversed individual), then those who caused it must, in the end, reap the results of the negativity they forced on an unwitting individual, who had no choices, and no knowledge of the curse until much later in life, coincedentally, in the years leading up to 2012.

In simpler terms: Any negative karma caused by a curse and/or mind control programming on an individual should never be reaped by the victim of said programming. It would be akin to blaming a puppet for what the puppet master does.

Also, I feel that the only way to restore true freewill to our population is to remove the archetypes, both tarot and astrological. They are truly “graven images“, in two ways: 1)They are images that have become engraven in the collective unconsciousthrough archetypal transference; & 2) They are images “frought with danger or harm” (that quote is from an online dictionary, defining the word “grave”, which is why I believe the actual phrase “Graven Images” has been removed from the 2nd Commandment in more recent versions of the Bible.

For more information on this topic:


And for a short story illustrating what happened to me:


For Those Who Doubt My Status as a Mind Control Victim, Please Read the Following:

For Those Who Doubt My Status as a Mind Control Victim, Please Read the Following:

The following quote is from a book about mind control, and can be found here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/95081260/56101031-the-Illuminati-Formula

“Some children live in foster homes, or with adopted parents, or in orphanages, or with caretakers and guardians. Because these children are at the mercy of the non-related adults, these types of children frequently are sold to become mind-controlled slaves of the intelligence agencies. In review, remember that because many of these organizations are controlled by the Illuminati; an Illuminati slave may often work for one of these front groups, while the Illuminati maintain control over the base-program.”

-Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler from “The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave

Ear before pulling back to expose implant

This photo is of my ear, without me pulling back on it to expose the implant.

Implants now seen after I pull back on ear

Implants now seen after I pull back on ear

I am posting this because I have heard so many people doubt the fact that I have implants in my head. They say, “why would anybody want to do that?” and “what makes you so special”, or “why you?”

I assure you, it is not because I am special. In fact, I am anything but. I am just another adoptee used in a horrible, nightmarish human experiment. They don’t use so-called “special people” for what they have done to me. Rather, they use those they consider “expendable”. Well, when you see the segment above from the book, and you know that I was adopted through an agency that was recently indicted on child trafficking charges (Catholic Charities), it is less of a stretch to see why someone would implant an adoptee for such an experiment as is common in many mind control programs.

Update 12/14/2012 regarding 12/12 correction (Thank you, MJ!):

“300,000 babies stolen from their parents – and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain”:


Correction, edited on 12/12/2012:

I rescind the statement above, regarding Cahtholic Charities, because I can no longer find the article where I saw that they were indicted, although I did see it in a news story on television. Since I cannot back up the claim with any proof, I cannot make the claim. While I haven’t found anything on Catholic Charities, specifically, it is no stretch of the imagination to think of the possibility, considering the article linked above.

The adoption scandal in Haiti, I have learned, involved a group of Baptists.

That being said, most people who have done any research on children who are used in experiments are frequently from orphanages. It also must be noted that many targeted individuals that I know are adopted or were in foster homes.


The fact that the CIA was implanting animals with these devices to control and monitor them only two years before I was born, and the fact that man’s inhumanity towards man is becoming more and more overt these days, it becomes increasingly clear to me that, to those in power, nothing is sacred.

It seems that they get to everyone who might possibly help me. I have implants in my head for cryin’ outloud! Am I really living in such a disgusting world, where those in power are able to break their own laws and the Geneva Convention by implanting an infant with RFIDs that allow these rotten scumbags to get away with destroying a soul before it even has a chance? Where is the humanity? Where are the decent human beings in this world?

Oh yeah, that’s right, only scum rises to the top these days.

When the book about mind control I referenced above was first put out, there might have been some hope for me, but these days, psychologists and psychiatrists have become part of the problem, refusing to acknowledge that mind control and ritual abuse even exist. It is truly a sad state of affairs when people are made disabled on purpose to fulfill some sick plan for a dystopian society.

If there is a God, I pray that God sees the whole truth and stops these evil beings from interfering with individual freewill. I am tired of being a human guinea pig.

Here is a horrible quote that demonstrates what these power tripping brain brokers are up to: “We need a programme of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”

–Dr. Jose Delgado, February 24, 1974 edition of the Congressional Record, No. 262E, Vol. 118

(The above quote was actually a compilation of statements from Delgado’s various publications, which were accurately cited in an article by Dr. Peter R. Breggins, “The Return of Lobotomy and Psychosurgery.” It was this article that was presented to Congress on 24 February 1972. http://cabinetmagazine.org/issues/2/psychcivilization.php)

Over the past few years, their experimentation on me has gotten completely out of hand. I am now the victim of electronic harassment (which seems to me to be a euphimism for electromagnetic torture). I am in constant pain and the implants that were once used for subliminal messaging are now overt and cruel hate speech and slander of me. For more information on this subject, please see the following:

Brain implant technology has been around longer than most people realize:



For information on the disgusting practice of electronic harassment/torture:


CIA’s Acoustic Kitty Project:





Don’t Want to be Framed for Speaking Truth!

I suppose the most revolutionary act one can engage in is … to tell the truth.

HOWARD ZINN, Marx in Soho

I am writing this to say that if, all of a sudden, I am no longer posting blogs, it is because I have become too vocal about what was done to me (RFID implants and an occult curse involving the tarot). The proof of what was done to me is visible and palpable, and is right on my head, in front of each ear. They are the exact size of RFID implants. Those who deny these are implants are either lying or in denial themselves. I have been a human guinea pig for far too long to deny that I am a victim of mind control and ritual abuse. Please see the following document for more info on the particulars of my case, and photo proof of my implants:


I am concerned that I am might get framed for something I have not done. I say this because I am currently harassed and gang stalked and threatened that they are going to do this to me. I have heard them say they want no witnesses. I am one such witness. Over my lifetime, I have been mind controlled by some very nefarious forces that have been unseen by me. Using the implants that could’ve only been put there when I was an infant, in custody of the agency for the first 6 weeks of my life, my mind has been manipulated in ways to make me emotionally unwell, which as they knew, would wind up making me addicted to illegal drugs, which could then be used to discredit me. This has been done in addition to putting me in a family that was either paid to berate me verbally and leave me mostly alone, or they just did it naturally. I have notied in the document above that I spent half my childhood in a literal “house of mirrors”, which would have obvious effects on a young personality.

While I am proud to say I am no longer addicted to illegal drugs, I am sorry to say that I now have a past that haunts me. This was by design. This is a part of the whole “problem-reaction-solution” blueprint whereby they cause the problem, seeking a reaction, so they can offer a solution they already have in mind, which in my case is killing me. So they have used gang-stalking techniques to turn neighbor against neighbor by telling lies and half-truths. This is done on the small scale, but also on the larger scale, within the so-called “truth movement”, as I have sadly noticed over the past four years.

Those in power have been in power for a very long time. They have been in power since long before you or I were ever born, so it behooves me to state that all of history has been written, and is deposed to students by what I can only call “the system”. It is not in that system’s interest to allow those who really do espouse truth to exist, so they put out fake “truthers” online to disseminate disinfo and pit TIs against one another.

I say this because I have had my character assasinated, lost my job, and my whole life has been ruined because I began to discover the truth of what was done to me. I did not consent to be the subject of human experimentation when I was born and sold into slavery via my adoption through Catholic Charities (an agency that has been indicted on child-trafficking charges not too long ago). This is why I have become a victim of what is being called “soft-kill”, “slow-kill”, and “no-touch torture”. I am exhibiting all the symptoms of what is described here: http://targetedindividualscanada.wordpress.com/2011/03/30/direct-energy-weapons-2/

Sadly, I am reminded of a song by the band called “Muse”, called “MK Ultra”, during which the singer says, “All of history deleted with one stroke”. I have noticed how things are being changed online. Facts that used to state one thing are now being changed, or the online documents and websites no longer exist. I have noted in my online dodument called “The Case for the Left”, that studies in stroke victims show how one hemisphere of the brain controls the opposite side of the body. I have noticed how newer documents say this isn’t true, yet it cannot be denied that a stroke in the right hemisphere of the brain always affects something on the left side of the body. Does this fact not tell us that the original assumption is true, and that the right hemisphere generally does control the left side of the body? Yet I have been unable to find a psychologist who can agre with this idea.

One thing I want to note before I end this post is that not many TIs who accept the existence of electronic harassment and direct energy weapons is willing to notice that those in power are adepts in the occult. I say this because many people who can see that I am a target don’t want to see how an occult curse has affected my life. If they know about how Nazi scientists have been used in mind control, in America, then they only need to do a little research to se how the Nazis were involved in the occult. Considering how these Nazi scientists have been used for Monarch and MK Ultra, it is not such a leap to consider that those involved in mind control use witchcraft and satanism to further their goals. In fact, one look at Fritz Springmeier’s work will clarify this. For an interview with this man, see this link: http://targetedindividualscanada.wordpress.com/?s=fritz+springmeier

I am grateful to the “targeted individuals canada” wordpress site for all of their information. It lets me know that I am not crazy.

For more information on the occult and symbolic side of what’s going on, please see this link: https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/symbolism-mind-control-and-metaphysical-sabotage-in-relation-to-archetypal-transference-and-the-second-commandment-of-the-decalogue

By the way, much of what is happening to targets all over the world, including mind control, is seen in movies, music, and television, but in music, especially. Some songs that relate to my case are:

Believe it or not, there is a rap artist called “TI”.

Kate Bush – Experiment IV (she sings, “they told us what they wanted was a sound that could kill someone from a distance”)

Depeche Mode – Wrong (especially the video-relates to the effects of the tarot curse), Precious

Muse – MK Ultra, Stockholm Syndrome, Unnatural Selection

Thank you for reading.

11/2/12: “We Can’t Protect You Anymore”

11/2/2012: Update from a torture victim


Just heard a voice say, “We can’t protect you anymore”. I am forced to wonder what in the world the voice was referring to, because over the past four years I have been tortured physically via what they are calling “soft kill” and “slow kill”, as well as electronic harassment, and voices coming through these implants in front of each of my ears. I am wondering when I was being protected anyway. Was it when I was born and sold into slavery through a Catholic agency that has been indicted on child-trafficking charges? Maybe I was being ‘protected’  when I was implanted with these RFID chips in my ears, used to influence my psyche, and ruin my spirit, throughout my life (proof of implants at: https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2012/07/16/implantvictim)

Was it when my mother was telling me to “eat shit and die”? Was it when she left me alone in the crib to scream and cry until I passed out from exhaustion? How about when I was drowned at 3 years old? Perhaps the voice was referring to when I was exposed to my mother smoking 3 packs a day in front of my face, or when she used to drag me to smoke-filled bowling alleys for years. Maybe I was protected when I was left alone to raise myself through most of my childhood. Could it be that I was being protected when I was being called stupid every other day by my mom? Was I being protected when my brother wrapped me up in that blanket and tossed me down the stairs, when I was around 5 years old? Was I being protected when I was raped at 16 by a 21 year old man? How about when I was trying to get treated for a chronic stomach ache and the doctor decided to give me a pelvic exam, leaving the speculum in for 45 minutes while he took off (when he finally finished the exam about an hour after it started, he asked me, “Are we still friends?”), to go to lunch? Was I being protected then?

So when were these so-called protectors actually protecting me anyway?

I know it couldn’t have been very recent, because I have been suffering more lately than I ever have in my life. In fact, what is happening to me feels like a slow type of murder.

I am in constant physical pain in my privates, while I am now suffering from attacks of induced heart palpitations, burning in localized areas of my body, and severe itching to the point of me breaking the skin from scratching so much. Sometimes, I get the sensation that the wind has been knocked out of me. I have even had localized pain in my back, going straight through into my chest and lung. These are all symptoms commonly associated with microwave and electromagnetic radiation, judging from what I have read online.

So again, I must ask, what exactly was I being protected from? What happens now is anyone’s guess.

The fact that my nickname online, musicis2words, represents the words mu as the “12th letter of the Greek alphabet”, and the word sic meaning “as intentionally so written”, and the fact that I have recently seen a youtuber who calls himself, “ignoramusky” (ignore-a-mu-ski), tells me that there is some serious cointelpro going on in my case. I am disgusted by it and those who are willing to torture people simply because we are some part of a sick and disgusting experiment of death and destruction.

Please, what do they want from me? If any perpetrator is reading this, please tell me what you want from me? I mean, since I keep getting blamed for being the cause of what has been happening to me throughout my life, I have to ask, “what is it I could do differently to stop you people from murdering me?”


Tags: soft kill, slow kill, no-touch torture, murder, electronic harassment, perpetrator, heart palpitations, RFID chips tags, microwave radiation, electromagnetic radiation, psyche