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Archive for the ‘Archetypes’ Category

How Do “they” Get Away With It?

justiceblindHow Do “they” Get Away With It?

(Metaphysical Forensics)

If you ever wonder how big corporations & wealthy, elitist families have been able to amass so much power & get away with so many crimes (often swept under the rug, hidden from the masses), you might consider the law of attraction & the archetype of “Lady Justice“. Although, after what I have seen, it would be more accurate to call this an “arche-typo“, because it certainly seems to be in error. Sadly, I know it was anything but an accident that justice has indeed been made blind.


I have covered the “Justice is Blind” meme in multiple documents online, as well as in some videos. I am writing about this in yet another article because it is the biggest example that shows proof for what I call “archetypal transference“, which has been used to manipulate reality, to the benefit of the powerful & wealthy, & to the detriment of the mind-controlled masses.

ar·che·type (from dictionary.reference.com)

[ahr-ki-tahyp] noun

1. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.

2. (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

transference (from freedictionary.com)

[ˈtrænsfərəns -frəns] n

1. the act or an instance of transferring or the state of being transferred.

2. (Psychoanalysis) Psychoanal the redirection of attitudes and emotions towards a substitute, such as towards the analyst during therapy.

How many times have you heard the phrase “Justice is Blind” repeated in your life? You might assume it means that justice is fair & impartial, but is that really what it means? Have blindjusticesculptureyou ever noticed what the archetypal image of “Lady Justice” looks like? She is most commonly shown blindfolded, holding scales & a sword. This means that the archetype of justice cares not about the way people are mind controlled into doing or becoming things that are looked down upon, as long as the scales are balanced.

So the corporation that poisons the majority of the population of one country is “A-Okay” in her book, as long as they provide housing or healthcare for the starving peoples of another country.


Oh, wait… that’s right… she’s blind! No wonder!

Case in point:

PhillipMorris1_250_353_37712Tobacco companies make their products more addictive than natural tobacco is, in order to make people continue to purchase their product, & have no consideration of the effects of these products on their market. No matter how you feel about smokers or ex-smokers trying to sue the big tobacco companies, some of you may remember a time when doctors were telling their patients that smoking was healthy & led to a longer life.

From healio.com:

“Companies like Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds participated in medical conventions by sponsoring doctors’ lounges and giving away free cigarettes. But the most inventive method to influence physicians was RJ Reynolds’s creation of its Medical Relations Division.”

Several years ago, there were major, class action lawsuits aganst certain tobacco companies. In someCamel2_250_324_37712 cases, these lawsuits were won by the claimants because it was proven that the companies knowingly caused their product to be more addictive than natural tobacco is. So, now these families are awaiting the money, from the tobacco companies, awarded to them by the courts. It is taking them years to pay these claimants, & in the meanwhile, the victims are slowly dying off. It is probably similar in most class-action lawsuits against powerful corporations.

How were companies able to get away with this stuff then? How do companies pushing genetically modified foods & hormonally tampered with farm animals get away with it now?

Check that “Justice is Blind” archetype, & consider how often the idea & phrase are repeated by people in the general population. I contend it is one of the biggest reasons why big companies have been able to get away with so many injustices in this world.

Also, please consider the fact that this phrase has been around Since about the 15th century. This means that the phrase has been repeated by an ignorant public for what – 5 centuries now? If you are familiar with Law of Attraction, then you understand the ramifications of so many people repeating such a phrase for so many years. So, just what have we unwittingly attracted to ourselves?


Image credit for the cigarette ads goes to: http://www.healio.com/hematology-oncology/news/print/hematology-oncology/%7B241d62a7-fe6e-4c5b-9fed-a33cc6e4bd7c%7D/cigarettes-were-once-physician-tested-approved



https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2012/09/07/as-above-so-below-are-we-programmed-by-archetypes/ (for more examples of archetypal transference)

musicis2words ©2014 All rights reserved

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“Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.”


(Metaphysical Forensics)harlowmonkey

“In the early 1970s, reflecting Harlow’s interest moving away from attachment issues to mental illness, he built a black isolation chamber – the ‘pit of despair’ – in which a rhesus monkey was hung upside down for up to 2 years, unable to move or see  the world, fed through a grid at the bottom of the V-shaped device. Through this  process, Harlow was successful in creating a ‘primate model of mental illness’. The monkeys once removed, after months or years, were shattered and psychotic. Nothing Harlow did could bring them back. There appeared to be no cure. No way to contact, to comfort…. ”   from http://www.integratedsociopsychology.net/infant_monkeys-attachment.html

Harlow began his experiments with monkeys in 1959.

12th Trump from the Thoth Tarot DeckDo not think for a minute that variations on these kinds of experiments aren’t done on human beings, in a variety of (less obvious) ways, including the use of both physical & meta-physical technologies.

“As Above, So Below”



Please don’t forget that the word “psychology” is taken from the word “psyche” which refers to the spirit.



Why is Justice Blind?

(Metaphysical Forensics)

Why Is Justice Blind?

If you were completely foreign to the meme, “justice is blind“, how would you view that statement or its associated archetype? Would you not find the idea of justice that cannot see as strange?

While I have covered this particular meme in other documents about Archetypal Transference, I wanted to address it specifically in a document that is shorter & therefore easier to read.

The phrase “justice is blind“, is said to mean that justice is impartial, or that it is not biased, but I strongly disagree. The latter phrase is only two more syllables than the former. Is it really that much harder to say “justice is impartial”? How about “justice is fair“? Wouldn’t that last phrase be more accurate if one was trying to imply hat justice was “impartial”?

I believe the phrase “justice is blind” is a type of spell. It has become a sort of self-replicating meme, repeated by people who believe it means something other than what seems to be the actual intent behind such a phrase. The more people repeat it, the more the situation has become so. This is readily evident in the world today, if you’ve been paying attention.

If you are a victim of someone else’s misdeeds & find it difficult to get justice for your cause, you may understand this.

If you recognize the structure of western society, whereby corporations continue to rip of consumers by not only removing jobs from the country that spends the most money on their products, but by also ripping off their new employees in foreign countries by paying them less than a decent or living wage for their labor, & then rips off the consumer by skimping on their labor & raw materials, thus creating a substandard product, then you may recognize how justice has been anything but fair lately.

If you understand that the creation of the fed has helped to put the USA in ruin, then you may see the larger truth of what I am saying.

If you see how a relatively small portion of the population is wrongfully profiting from other people’s suffering, then you are seeing an effect of Archetypal Transference related to the whole “justice is blind” concept….

You may see the actual ramifications of getting people to repeat the phrase, “justice is blind”, over & over again over a period of many years, since around the 15th century justiceblind(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Justice).

If you do an internet search for the phrase, “justice is blind“, you may find more than one definition of it, many of which continue to point to the idea that it means that justice is impartial. This is a fallacy, designed to snow you, the public, into bringing about the condition of your own slavery, using what is referred to as “the law of attraction”.

The familiar icon, of the blindfolded woman holding the so-called scales of justice & a sword, is an archetype…. or is it an “archetypo“? Why would anyone want justice to be blind? Can she see how those scales are (in reality) way of balance? Apparently not.

To answer the question of the why, one must understand who profits & benefits the most from this forced manipulation of reality. Discover who controls most of the world’s wealth, & you will see who is behind this spell of a meme that began centuries ago, & has created a real dystopia for those who are the victims of this unfair & biased system of things.

I honestly feel that it is time to take the blindfold off of “Lady Justice” so that she may finally be able to do her job correctly. Justice should be fair, not blind.






Copywrited©2013 musicis2words rights reserved

Video: The Disney Princess Movies and their Impact on the Human Family Addendum (Pt2)


This is an addendum to a video I recently made on the same subject, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBPKMUyNZ3Y. In this one, I discuss a concept called “Learned Helplessness”, as well as a possible meaning for the initials “MK” (I think there may be more than one meaning for various initials out there).
This video is not an attack on men, so I hope no one takes it that way.

Addendum: The Disney Princess Movies and their Impact on the Human Family

(Metaphysical Forensics)


The Disney Princess Movies and their Impact on the Human Family Addendum


ISleepingBeautySavedByPrince recently published a document about the Disney Princess movies and their impact on the human family through a process called “Archetypal Transference”, which is defined as the unconscious projection of archetypes that exist in the collective unconscious, due to repetition. I talked about how these movies become a form of programming, causing a little girl to subconsciously identify with the princess role, and unconsciously project the roles of other characters onto prominent people in her life. I mention how these movies, and the reinforcement of their programming via countless princess products on the market, seem to have the effect of causing females to be “high-maintenance”, and drive a wedge between mothers and daughters on a subconscious level. I also mention how sexual subliminals serve to inhibit spiritual growth by focusing the subconscious mind on baser desires in general.

What I neglected to discuss in the original document (https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2013/02/25/archetypaltransferencedisneyprincessmovies) is a concept known as “learned helplessness”. This form of learned helplessness differs from the more commonly known definition of the term, which describes an animal or person who experiences this effect when they are exposed to repetitive abuse and trauma, with no escape (see below). The form of learned helplessness I am referring to comes as a result of being programmed by movies that feature the male “hero”, and the female “damsel in distress”. By and large, the majority of princess films and action movies reinforce these archetypes, and encourage females to subconsciously play the role of victim who will ultimately be rescued, which sets them up to be victimized for real, as they become adults, only, in many cases, that rescue never comes.

A key point here is that a female, who has been programmed in this way, winds up with a victim mentality & tends to identify herself in relation to her mate. This allows for very limited personal, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual development, which may result in an inability to become a whole person in her own right, depending on how extensive her programming is.

As I mentioned in my earlier document, the effects of this programming may vary, depending on the amount of trauma in a person’s life, due to the effects of trauma on the brain.

Not only are little girls programmed by these so-called feminine archetypes, but boys are usually programmed to be completely different, so men and women end up having personalities which seem to conflict. This programming seems to begin at birth, when boys are assigned blue and girls are assigned pink. On the color wheel, pink and blue are neither side-by-side, nor are they compliments. So on a symbolic level, males and females are immediately programmed to conflict with each other. I cover this in more detail in another article.

There does seem to be an agenda out there to disempower women on a subconscious level. While there are some movies out there that show strong female characters, the majority of fantasy and action movies especially, feature a strong male who must rescue a helpless, or at least less capable, female. Another type of programming in these movies can be seen in how the male role has growth and character development that is not found, or is negligible, in the female role.

Being exposed to these archetypes, over and over again, certainly becomes a form of subconscious programming.

Again I find myself wanting to understand why this is happening on such a large scale.

Well, I have heard one author say that we are dealing with “man’s ancestral hatred of women”. The subjugation of women would certainly be explained by this idea. We must ask ourselves: has it served society, humanity, and our planet for this particular theatrical theme to be repeated ad-nauseum? I think not. In fact, one thorough look at the state of our world shows how no one seems to be completely satisfied with our current reality. In fact, even the wealthy seem to be trapped in a state of subconscious and insatiable need. One need only to look at the various forms of addiction that exist in our world to see this is the case. The proliferation of war, poverty, and disease shows us that the current locus of societal control is not where it should be. The number of people who have so-called mental illnesses is staggering these days. Could this be a byproduct of the imbalance perpetuated by this programming? Perhaps if a more natural order was allowed to develop in human society, then we might see a better world, whereby everyone can be satisfied and live in harmony with one another. Instead, most of us are being programmed by these stereotypes and archetypes that seem to have become the hallmark of an unnatural system, bent on usurping the power of others, both male and female.

Programming allows for no individual development, forces people into predefined roles, and removes a measure of freewill. It also makes people more predictable and therefore easier to control. However, since it is done on such a subconscious level, most people do not recognize it and think that they are behaving in ways that are natural to them.

So is there any way out of this outdated rut of a program that we all seem to be adhering to, on some level or another? Well, one way would be if everyone stopped watching and exposing their children to these movies that reinforce these stereotypical roles onto people, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Therefore, the only way out would be to rise above this sort of programming. However, I have noticed that when I tried to rise above this programming, it seemed to kick in even stronger, and I felt a serious backlash from males.

There’s one more thing I want to throw out there, considering my recent research. I have been examining a certain acronym, about which there seems to be some debate regarding what the letters stand for. After hearing of how Hitler supposedly had a mickey mouse figurine on his desk, and after recognizing the existence of something called “Project Paperclip”, I have to wonder now if the MK in “MK Ultra” actually represents the words “Magic Kingdom”. I say this because there is a huge conglomerate monster involved in manufacturing Disney-based products, and perpetuating the programming therein, and there does seem to be a form of magic being used on people through these movies, and through programming in general, which not only divides women from men, but also has a tendency to make women into adversaries of each other, ala Cinderella’s stepsisters (for one example). The concept of “divide and conquer” keeps coming up when I look at the control of the human race through programming, in all its forms. By the way, does it strike anyone as odd that there is a Disney Land in California and a Disney World in Florida?

With regard to what I have read about the illuminati being formed in 1776: I feel that is complete disinfo. I say this because it seems like there has always been some elite group of people controlling the majority of the populations of this world. Even when there have been good men trying to bring people out of slavery and oppression, they seem to either get coopted or killed. I hope that this state of affairs doesn’t last. It is not a healthy system, and leaves most people disturbed on a subconscious level, leading them to have some emotional issue of one form or another, often causing some form of addiction, i.e. overeating, drugs, gambling, etc. as a way of coping with an unseen form of slavery which no one is allowed to notice, much less talk about.

It seems to me that we are indeed living in a world where an unseen form of slavery exists- just ask any TI who has experienced “intellectual property theft” or the “Truman Show effect”. Also, after considering the mass programming of female children, as mentioned above, it is not surprising to find the statistic out there stating that 75% of TIs are female who possess advanced educations and/or high IQs. This fact tells me that the power and abilities of this group are being usurped by a system that wants no challenges to its programming and authority, and would apparently like the majority of women living in the world to have low IQs and less education. Seeing the potentiality of this section of the population, in advance would behoove that system to preprogram these women into a victim mentality.

After reading my documents, and/or watching my videos, one might have the opinion that I am a feminist. I’m really not that. I don’t know what I am. What I do know is that the system in which most of us are living is unnatural and causes more problems than it solves. The fact that, in most cultures, women are subjugated and their opinions are often discounted by men and women alike, tells me that the way females & males are programmed could be a big part of the problems that are manifesting in our world today. If women were allowed to retain their natural strengths and abilities (meaning: if women weren’t programmed to be somewhat helpless and at odds with other women including their own mothers), would the world be a better place? Perhaps there would be fewer incidents of women trapping men by getting pregnant. Maybe there would be less “cattiness” exhibited between women. The only way to find out would be to try. Generally speaking, men have been in charge of the ruling organizations of this world for too long and the results have been favorable to the ruling class, and detrimental to the majority of the population, but I suspect that, on a spiritual level, it hasn’t really served either group.

About Learned Helplessness:

From http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1380861/learned-helplessness

“learned helplessness, in psychology, a mental state in which an organism forced to bear aversive stimuli, or stimuli that are painful or otherwise unpleasant, becomes unable or unwilling to avoid subsequent encounters with those stimuli, even if they are “escapable,” presumably because it has learned that it cannot control the situation.

The theory of learned helplessness was conceptualized and developed by American psychologist Martin E.P. Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1960s and ’70s. While conducting experimental research on classical conditioning, Seligman inadvertently discovered that dogs that had received unavoidable electric shocks failed to take action in subsequent situations—even those in which escape or avoidance was in fact possible—whereas dogs that had not received the unavoidable shocks immediately took action in subsequent situations. The experiment was replicated with human subjects (using loud noise as opposed to electric shocks), yielding similar results. Seligman coined the term learned helplessness to describe the expectation that outcomes are uncontrollable.

Learned helplessness has since become a basic principle of behavioral theory, demonstrating that prior learning can result in a drastic change in behaviour and seeking to explain why individuals may accept and remain passive in negative situations despite their clear ability to change them. In his book Helplessness (1975), Seligman argued that, as a result of these negative expectations, other consequences may accompany the inability or unwillingness to act, including low self-esteem, chronic failure, sadness, and physical illness. The theory of learned helplessness also has been applied to many conditions and behaviours, including clinical depression, aging, domestic violence, poverty, discrimination, parenting, academic achievement, drug abuse, and alcoholism.”

musicis2words©2014 All rights reserved.

Video Link Archetypal Transference as Metaphysical Mind Control

Archetypal Transference as Metaphysical Mind Control


In this video, I discuss Archetypal Transference as Metaphysical Mind Control, regarding tarot and astrology, in relation to the Law of Attraction and the Butterfly Effect. I focus mostly on Tarot, but also on other archetypes and examples of their impact on human society.



The Disney Princess Movies and their Impact on the Human Family through Archetypal Transference

SleepingBeautyEvilQueenMaleficentThe Disney Princess Movies and their Impact on the Human Family through Archetypal Transference

Psychiatrist Carl Gustave Jung described the archetypes as models of people, behaviors, or personalities that exist in the collective unconscious. Transference is the projection of unconscious contents.

It is often said that a child’s mind is like a sponge.

It is my argument that these movies program females into the embodying the negative female stereotypes, such as: being catty, high maintenance princess-types who generally dislike or distrust their mothers. This is all subconscious, of course, & most females will not admit to this being an issue.

As you can see, these stories have been around much longer than the Disney films in some form or another. This is how I feel many of these roles became archetypes in the first place. However, Disney in particular, seemed to have some interest in making the adult female role the antihero. Here are some of the Disney Princess movies that contain the archetypes of “princess”, “hero/prince”, and “evil queen”, and where they came from (skip past these, if you are already familiar with the background info):

Rapunzel, a tale with similarities to a Persian tale from the 10th century AD called “Rudaba”, was published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812, which then became the basis for the Disney movie “Tangled”.
The Little Mermaid, published in 1837 by Hans Christian Anderson, became the Disney animated film of the same name in 1989.
Sleeping Beauty, taken from an original story called, “The Beauty sleeping in the wood”, by Charles Perrault, published in 1697, was made into the Disney animated film, 1959.
Snow White, taken from an original story by the Brothers Grimm, in 1812, but completed in 1857, was made into the animated Disney film in 1937.
Cinderella, taken from an original story by Charles Perrault, published in 1697, was later published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812, and made into a Disney animated film in 1950. However, there are earlier versions of this theme, in fables complete with slipper motif, going as far back as the 1st century BCE.

The Set Up:

Cinderella was originally a story about unjust oppression with a reward at the end, and is possibly derived from an original Greek tale called Rhodopis, which contains no evil queen or wicked stepmother. The first version I could find with a wicked stepmother in it is a Chinese tale from 860 AD, called Ye Xian (Yeh Shen). The Disney movie Cinderella has the female antihero in its version, as does Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, and Tangled (taken from Rapunzel). It is my opinion that these particular Disney movies actually serve to disempower women in general, although some of them do show assertive princesses. The repetition of the theme of the oppressed princess (daughter role), trapped by some rendition of the evil queen (mother role), but who ultimately gets rescued by a dashing prince (hero/lover role) does a gross disservice to women in general. By creating a set of unnatural archetypes based on roles from these stories, these roles subconsciously become projected onto people by the little girl (or adult woman who grew up with these stories).

Today’s little girl is more prone to the programming behind these movies, since they are inundated with the movies, DVDs, books, video PrincessCanopyBedgames, baby dolls, Barbie dolls, coloring books, figurines, room décor, outfits, etc., which all serve to reinforce the “princess” role in the child’s mind, before she has any defenses against such programming. By being exposed to these movies, over and over again (because of the advent of DVDs), and at such a young age (sometimes from birth), this programming is even harder to resist. It is often said that a child’s mind is like a sponge. Since the programming comes through on a subconscious level, the child’s open mind has no filtering mechanism to avoid being programmed. I would be remiss if I didn’t note that the extent to which a child is programmed by these stories may be directly related to the amount of trauma she has received in early childhood.

By making almost eBabyAndMotherMonkeyvery prominent adult female the villain, Disney is effectively subverting a natural bond between mother and daughter by destroying a level of trust between them. In the animal kingdom, baby animals instinctively trust their mother, because the mother usually has an instinct to protect her young. Humans have these instincts as well, but they are subverted by programming inherent in these movies, among other things. By subconsciously identifying with the oppressed princess, the human daughter is subconsciously projecting the role of evil queen onto her mother (or other prominent female caregiver) who then becomes the antihero to the princess. In this way, the mother has become the enemy in her daughter’s eyes, albeit on a subconscious level. It is simple psychology.

Anecdotal Evidence:

I have witnessed this effect in my life, my adoptive mother’s life, and in my daughter’s life. Looking back, I know I projected the evil queen SleepingBeautySavedByPrincerole onto my mother, but did she subconsciously accept that role to a degree? In my mother’s case, she was indeed “rescued” from her family by her so-called “prince”, but it eventually didn’t work out, and they got a divorce, probably because of unrealistic expectations programmed into my mother’s psyche (a Greek word for “spirit”). I have to wonder if the woman who unknowingly identifies with the princess role as a child, subconsciously accepts the evil queen role when she enters motherhood, simply because it is the most prominent adult female archetype in movies that programmed her as a child. Could that be part of what happened to my mother (in addition to other forms of archetypal transference), and why I was verbally abused and neglected when I was growing up? My mother was also a narcissist, as are the evil queens/wicked stepmothers in the Disney princess movies, and I spent half of my childhood in a literal “house of mirrors”. Could that have come from the programming from these films? In my daughter’s case, I can see how she has internalized these archetypes, because she certainly acts like a little princess and often treats me as if I were the evil queen. I, however, refuse to accept that role. I love my child and have the natural instinct to protect my child. I projected the Huntsman role from Snow White onto my father, and as such, I put him up on a pedestal, even though he was rarely present in my childhood.

I now have to wonder if the programming from these princess movies is the root cause of why little girls seem to fight their mothers about things that are good for them, such as the way my daughter fights me when I tell her to brush her teeth, eat better foods, do her homework, take a bath, etc. While of course children want to play rather than do homework, would they be more LisaHomerPiPieapt to follow parents’ instructions if they weren’t watching movies and TV shows that make the parents look either like an enemy or unintelligent? In the case of little girls, these princess movies are the biggest suspect, but in the case of little boys, you can simply take a look at television shows such as The Simpsons, which paint the father in a negative light, and make the children out to be smarter than their parents. If you are programmed by these shows to think that you are smarter than your parents, are you going to trust their advice?


I have been asked why someone would want to do this. There are a few reasons that I can think of:

TangledSexSubliminalFirst, you have to follow the money. It is a multimillion (if not billion) dollar industry, aimed at little girls. Princesses are royalty. What do we know about royalty? They have a whole lot of money and stuff. If you can get those children to identify with the princess role, then you can trigger this programming in media, which can then open them up to new programming in your movies, music, television, and advertisements, thereby making them into good little consumers who will buy, or get their parents to buy, anything you make them want. This is done simultaneously with the sexual subliminal messages found in many Disney films, if not all of them, which then brings the child’s subconscious mind to focus on sex (and on baser desires in general), programming which will be played out later, as the child reaches puberty. While the adage “sex sells” is often used in advertising, that is only one reason for sexual subliminals. By focusing children’s subconscious mind on sex, after already setting up the atmosphere of mistrust between parents and children, they will further stray from their parents’ advice, and it will be harder for them to focus on learning, spirituality, or finding a career.

The little girl who subconsciously identified with the “oppressed princess” role will project the “hero/prince” role onto any boyfriends she has as she gets older. However, these males were not programmed by these movies, and thus don’t fit that role very well. In fact, any boyfriend or husband to the female, who subconsciously identified with the princess role, will most likely grow to resent this woman and complain that she is too “high maintenance”. Well, duh, she’s been programmed to be that way! This sets a girl up for a big disappointment that occurs in the unconscious mind when she subconsciously recognizes that her mate can never fulfill the role of “hero/prince”. This will cause a form of cognitive dissonance that the grown woman will not be able to identify, and thus, she will not be able to address or resolve the issue at heart, if she seeks psychological help. The end result of all of this unrealistic programming is depression, among other mental health issues.

If you can get children to mistrust their parents (especially on a subconscious level they cannot recognize), this makes it easier to program them using the media. By the way, this subconscious programming of little children to mistrust their parents is reinforced when they realize the parents have been lying to them about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth fairy. Again, this happens on a subconscious level, which makes it all the more insidious and difficult to correct, once the damage has been done. It is easier to program a person who lacks foundational values. This is accomplished as a result of the child being somewhat cut-off from a parent’s protective instinct due to the subconscious lack of trust caused by these movies, as well as certain TV shows. How does one deprogram a child that has had the princess programming reinforced throughout their childhood via the umpteen million Disney princess products on the market (mentioned above)? If a parent tries to raise awareness about the issue to the child, the child is not going to admit that they identify with the Disney princess, or Bart or Lisa Simpson for that matter, because it is not in the conscious mind. The fact that it is done on a subconscious level is what makes it work so well. People quickly deny it is real precisely because they are unconscious of it.

With these programs in the subconscious mind, triggers can be used to bring this programming to bear in multiple ways. Take the shopping addict for example. Could that be a subconscious reaction to princess programming? How about addiction in general? What about hoarding? Overeating or eating disorders? I already mentioned depression. These mental health issues support an industry already in place: Psychiatric medicine, i.e. pharmaceutical drugs. I feel that many disorders that people suffer are caused by programming, to keep a whole industry running, thereby making a small portion of the population very wealthy from other people’s suffering, without actually curing anything. The only real way to cure some of these issues, in my opinion, is with deprogramming. Most psychiatrists and psychologists out there barely even admit programming exists, much less want to cure it. One begins to see a vicious cycle going on with all of this.

Is it any wonder that Hitler is said to have had a Mickey Mouse figurine on his desk?PriestWithErection

So, if you are a mother with a young daughter, and if you decide to expose your little girl to these movies, I ask you to offer parental guidance with these princess movies. I feel that any movie showing a priest getting an erection during a wedding should not be rated G. I don’t buy the story that it is actually the priest’s knees because the erection scene is one lump, not two. Once that initial subconscious separation between mother and daughter is made, then the little girl is directed to follow her over-sexualized Disney role models, such as Brittny Spears & Miley Cyrus.

Of course, the extent to which all mind control works on the psyche is dependent on variables in the individual subject’s life, like how much early childhood trauma they might have had, or whether their parents made any effort to instill values into them, for two examples.

There is a Part 2 to this article here: https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2013/03/28/addendum-the-disney-princess-movies-and-their-impact-on-the-human-family

See “Wash Your Brain” with Freeman Fly and his wife, Jamie, talking about the Disney princess films in more depth, at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQr4Q2fqvI0


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Mind Control Programming Using Archetypal Transference in Relation to “The Law of Attraction” and “The Butterfly Effect”

Mind Control Programming Using Archetypal Transference in Relation to “The Law of Attraction” and “The Butterfly Effect”

If you are familiar with concepts such as: “the butterfly effect”, from “chaos theory”, and “the law of attraction”, and/or you understand the ideas behind chaostheorymovies such as “The Secret”, and “What the Bleep Do We Know?” (which talks a bit about Quantum Mechanics), then I feel you may have a better understanding of how I came to the following theory, which is based on my observations, research, and personal experience. While there are many different forms of mind control programming, including, but not limited to, movies, music, tell-a-vision, the use of implants, and even the manipulation of language (which I have discussed in another document), this paper will focus on the astrological and tarot archetypes and their impact on the human psyche. Keep in mind that the word “psyche” comes from a Greek word for “spirit”, thus mind control does indeed affect the spirit.

In this document, I refer to a concept known as archetypal transference as a form of metaphysical programming because it seems to act on a metaphysical level, as opposed to programming through movies and such, which occur on a physical level, although both forms of programming ultimately affect the psyche. Psychiatrist Carl Gustave Jung described archetypes as “models of people, behaviors or personalities” that exist “in the collective unconscious” (1). Transference is the projection of unconscious contents. I am using the term, “archetypal transference”, to refer to the process by which tarot and astrological archetypes are inserted into the collective unconscious, and are then projected onto people based on their numerology and birthdates. Jung referred to cultural archetypes that I see as natural (hero, lover, caregiver , etc.), whereas I am referring to archetypes that I see as unnatural and imposed on people based on their birthdates, and on the collective unconscious through the so-called “disciplines” of tarot and astrology, and their overuse in popular culture.

For those of you who are not familiar with these concepts, there are some references and definitions with links (for further research), at the bottom of this paper. However, I ask you to please read through this document before following the links and getting lost on the internet. 🙂

There is a set of archetypes, in tarot and astrology, which seem to be a type of metaphysical mind control. It is done on a level that is less detectable than the more commonly known forms of mind control, since these particular archetypes have been around for centuries, in the case of tarot (1), and for millennia, in the case of astrology (2). While these archetypes may be hard for some to recognize, regarding how they relate to the “butterfly effect”, please bear with me. These archetypes refer to the “butterfly effect” in that they are initial conditions existing in the collective unconscious that have specific results. Since they have been around for so long, much longer than you or I have been alive, they have become memes. One begins to wonder if these archetypes were made to illustrate an existing pattern, if they were made to influence people’s natures  in an unnatural way, or if it’s a little of both. Even if they were created innocently (without a negative intent), I still do feel they have an impact on the collective psyche of humanity, with regards to freewill.

My Theory is based on Research, Observation, and Personal Experience:

The way “law of attraction” is supposed to work is that, focusing on or repeating a certain idea or desire will bring that idea or desire to fruition. The “butterfly effect” refers to the idea that something seemingly small can have a big impact on something else, for example, that a butterfly flapping its wings in Japan could cause a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. Both of these theories, which seem to have some validity, combine to make a big mess where the archetypes of tarot and astrology are concerned. These archetypes are assigned to people based on their birthdates, and also sometimes based on numerology, and thus become the “initial conditions” referred to in the “butterfly effect” (see definition below). There are over 1,200 decks of tarot cards in circulation today (3), and they have been printed and reprinted an untold number of times, which, according to the law of attraction, amplifies the vibration of those archetypes. In the meantime, more and more people have been studying these two disciplines in the past 50 years especially, and/or have been getting readings done for them by other people. As more people are exposed to these archetypes, the collective unconscious is increasingly affected by them, in the form of memes. It is the repetition of a pattern that amplifies its vibration, and produces results specific to that pattern. With all these decks out there, and all their subsequent printings, these energies are amplified.

The only way to bring any true freewill back into this world is to abolish the archetypes. I do not say this lightly. By tying someone’s birthdate to the astrology signs and tarot correspondences, freewill is severely restricted, causing people to generally behave in predetermined ways, based on these archetypes. So with astrology, we end up with scorpios being passionate, but also kind of mean, virgos being intelligent and analytical, but sometimes over-critical, aries being assertive, but sometimes pushy, and leos being glamorous, hogs for attention.

The fact that most people in our society seem to fit most of the main character traits for their star signs, whether they believe in astrology or not, shows that these archetypes have been inserted into the collective unconscious, in the form of memes, via archetypal transference, and unbeknownst to the individual. This removes a measure of freewill, causing people to be stuck in cookie cutter personality traits and life patterns.  Astrology has been around for millennia, and has had its impact accordingly. The tarot has only been around for centuries, but has become so popular in recent decades, that it seems to have caused the collective unconscious to become infected with these memes, which are a whole different set of predetermined archetypes. This then further restricts freewill, again based on one’s birthdate.

The Emperor card from the Thoth TarotWiththe tarot, the trump cards seem to have the strongest effects on those people, born on double digit birthdates especially, who often display characteristics from various cards, but especially from the trumps of the same number. For example, my mother was born on 4/4, her corresponding trump card was the Emperor, and she displayed the characteristics of the 4th trump, most notably from the so-called, Crowley-Thoth deck. The symbols in that card represented the main characters in her life, one example being the two rams behind the seated figure, representing two aries who supported my mother during her life, my father on the left, and maternal grandmother (deceased) on the right. Aliester Crowley was a known Satanist, who is said to have also been an MI6 agent. Frieda Harris painted the deck under his instruction. Did he have an ulterior motive for this deck? Was he putting this energy out there on purpose to affect reality? When I saw this card, in relation to my mother’s 4/4 birthdate, and recognized the significance of that card’s symbols in her life, I began to wonder if my own life was influenced in a similar way, given my double digit birthdate.

Once I began to examine my own life in relation to the tarot, based on my having a 12/12 birthdate, I could not deny that the 12th trump archetype of 12th Trump from the Thoth Tarot DeckThe Hanged Man, which is an upside-down/reversed figure, had a very significant impact on my development, long before I ever knew the tarot or astrology even existed. Also, please notice how there is an upside-down ankh in this card, which is the Egyptian hieroglyph for “life”. What might that imply? Given the idea of the butterfly effect of these cards being printed over and over again, what might that upside-down ankh ultimately influence in these years surrounding 2012, since it is on the 12th trump card? How would it influence the life of a human being, who is unknowingly tied to that card? Could these things have anything to do with how absurd things seem in our world lately with the gross violations of human rights that continues to be perpetrated on nonconsensual human experimentees, and on those who call themselves “targeted individuals”? Could the upside-down and reversed nature of this card have had anything to do with certain unjust things happening in our world today, such as the couple getting arrested for rescuing a baby deer (4)?

leftrighthandsOne example of the way this “reverse-curse” (as I like to call it) manifested in my life is that when I was learning how to write, I was naturally left-inclined, and picked up the pencil with my left hand, but I was told that being left-handed would make me evil. So, not wanting to be evil, I endeavored to learn how to write with the right hand. Given the whole left-brain, right-brain concept, which possibly evolved from studies of stroke victims, showing that stroke in the right hemisphere of the brain affects something on the left side of the body, and vice a versa (but I digress), I contend that changing a human being’s natural handedness changes the natural balance in the child’s brain, further subverting freewill. I know of one person, who was born on 10/20 (which carries the 12 vibration – 1020), who was also made to write right-handed even though he was originally left-inclined. Is that a coincidence?

Both he and I are very creative people, (I was an artist and he a musician), yet we both lack the perseverance to be able to complete creative projects. If we had been allowed to be left-handed, would we have been more successful in our creative endeavors? It is a subject I would like to see investigated. Perhaps someone should do some studies on these people who were naturally left-handed, but made to be right-handed. Maybe one of those illustrious scientists could try that instead of experimenting with brain stimulation using implants which has messed up so many people’s lives, including my own.

This “reverse-curse”, brings us back to the concepts of the “butterfly effect” and “law of attraction”. Causing a “butterfly effect”, the repetition of these archetypes through multiple printings of over 1200 decks, creates a metaphysical effect on the psyche, which in turn, causes a person to emulate these archetypes in some capacity, thereby attracting attributes of their corresponding archetypes. In my case, astrologically, my archetype is Sagittarius, but also Ophiuchus, whose feet do lie on the ecliptic. Now take a look at the 12th trump of the Crowley-Harris Thoth deck and compare it to Ophiuchus. Notice any similarities?

12th Trump from the Thoth Tarot Deck


Ophiuchus: The MIssing Constellation

In both cases, there is a serpent. It either represents the so-called “serpent class” or the devil himself. In the 12th trump, the serpent looks as if it is sucking from the brain of the subject, in the constellation of Ophiuchus, it seems that the subject is deadsnakecarrying the serpent.  Either way, I see the serpent in these archetypes as a parasite. Hence the background image currently on my YouTube page (shown to the right). I apologize if it looks gross, and I am not an animal killer. I actually really love animals in general. In fact, I feel bad for the snake in that picture. I was just looking for an image that represented how I feel about what has been going on for far too long, in my opinion. While we’re on the subject, why is one of the symbols for America the serpent (as in “Don’t tread on me”)? Could this have been done just to conflict with the Bible, and to cause unconscious confusion and/or cognitive dissonance among Americans who happen to be Christian? Hmmm….

Who created these archetypes, anyway? I suspect it was someone playing God. Even the word “archetype” contains “arch” in it, which would be above the head. I see these particular archetypes, which are associated with birthdates, as “graven images” (one could say they have been engraven into the collective unconscious). They have infected the collective unconscious, and have robbed a large measure of freewill from the individual, but have also, therefore robbed that individual of the person they were originally intended to be. Without the existence of these pre-fabricated, pre-appointed, archetypal molds that were put into place centuries and even millennia, before the individual was born, the child who was originally left-handed might have remained left-handed, and the effect on her or his life would have been what the Creator originally intended by making them left-handed in the first place. If you don’t believe in a Creator, then consider that nature also intended for those left-handed children to be left-handed for a reason.

When I take a look at my entire life, I can’t help but wonder if my archetype is an arche-“typo”. I wonder if it is a mistake or if it was done on purpose. It’s a cruel joke, to say the least. Please also consider watching my video about “Symbolism in Words and Numbers” to see more detail about mind control programming, done on such a foundational level. After learning about symbolism, it becomes more obvious that there is a malevolent modus operandi found within the nature of the English language.

11th Trump Guilded Tarot

Here is an example of an archetype not specific to tarot or astrology, although it is the 11th trump in certain, more traditional tarot decks: It is the archetype of justice. Frequently, justice is referred to as being blind. Why is that? Some people say it means that justice is impartial. Well, why not just say “justice is impartial”? Since I have heard and read that phrase, “justice is blind”, often throughout my life, I wonder who came up with that idea. Even most statues depicting this archetype are of a blindfolded woman holding the scales of justice. Justice should never be blind, in my opinion. Rather, it should be able to see all aspects of a situation before rendering judgment on an individual affected by these things. If you are a victim of monarch programming, or a nonconsensual human experimentee, like myself, then you may have noticed that it has been hard to get justice for your situation. If you’re not, you may instead have noticed how the laws in the United States (with the Patriot Act, for example) are changing in ways that seem to remove the original intent of the Constitution, and go directly against the Pledge of Allegiance, whjusticeblindich claims the United States of America is “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”.

Could this be a “butterfly effect” of the frequently repeated phrase, “Justice is blind”? I think it’s possible. Does the archetype of “blind justice” actually serve the human population? I don’t think it does. Rather, I think “blind justice” serves the criminals who have purposefully enslaved the human population through mind control programming, not only in movies, music, and tell-a-vision, but also through the manipulation of language and archetypes.

Programming via TV, movies, music, and language is done to people on a physical level, meaning that it creates effects on the human mind. However, the creation of these particular archetypes, I feel, was specifically to control people on a more metaphysical level, meaning it has effects on the human spirit, making it less detectable, and therefore more insidious, than those other forms of mind control. Basically, it is what I would call, “archetypal determinism”, done through the projection of specific archetypes assigned by birthdate and numerology, using “the butterfly effect” of over a thousand decks, and untold printings of each, which severely restricts freewill, on an unconscious and psychological level. The “puppet” then, cannot be held responsible for the actions of some unseen “puppet master” who creates and perpetuates these archetypes. That would be akin to “blaming the victim”, a mentality that seems to be occurring on a grand scale these days. The amplification of the vibrations of these archetypes through numerous printings of so many decks becomes nothing but another form of unseen slavery, making human beings into nothing more than metaphysical guinea pigs.

Ah, but we are told that slavery is illegal and doesn’t exist, right? You who are nonconsensual human experimentees might realize that idea as untrue. However, when you try to mention it, you are told you’re crazy. This is known as the double-bind and causes conflict in the psyche, including the manifestation of schizophrenic symptoms.

I would like to give special thanks to Michael Gaio for his article entitled, “Archetypal Semiotic Transference”, because it helped me to see how this stuff works, how it affected me before I ever knew the tarot and astrology existed, and how it affected my mother as well. His article can be found here: http://blog.michaelgaio.com/2011/09/25/archetypal-semiotic-transference/

Definitions with References (as promised):

Chaos theory is the study of nonlinear dynamics, in which seemingly random events are actually predictable from simple deterministic equations.

-From http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/chaos-theory

Chaos theory studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, an effect which is popularly referred to as the butterfly effect. Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general.[1] This happens even though these systems are deterministic, meaning that their future behavior is fully determined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved.[2] In other words, the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them predictable.

–From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory

The Butterfly Effect is first described by Lorenz at the December 1972 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C., vividly illustrates the essential idea of chaos theory. In a 1963 paper for the New York Academy of Sciences, Lorenz had quoted an unnamed meteorologist’s assertion that, if chaos theory were true, a single flap of a single seagull’s wings would be enough to change the course of all future weather systems on the earth.

-From http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/chaos-theory

“The “Butterfly Effect”, or more technically the “sensitive dependence on initial conditions”, is the essence of chaos.”

– From http://www.cmp.caltech.edu/~mcc/chaos_new/Lorenz.html

The Law of Attraction refers to the idea that you attract that which you focus on. The movies, “The Secret”, and “What the Bleep Do We Know”, both refer to the Law of Attraction, although “What the Bleep Do We Know” digs more deeply into ideas of Quantum Physics as they relate to the “law of attraction”. See http://www.abraham-hicks.com/ for more information on this concept.

Quantum Mechanics provides a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter.

–From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mechanics

Memes The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα Greek pronunciation: [míːmɛːma] mīmēma, “imitated thing”, from μιμεῖσθαι mimeisthai, “to imitate”, from μῖμος mimos “mime”) and it was coined by the British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976) as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catch-phrases, fashion and the technology of building arches.

-From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme#Origins

Archetype:  1. An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype: “‘Frankenstein’ . . . ‘Dracula’ . . . ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ . . . the archetypes that have influenced all subsequent horror stories” (New York Times).

2. An ideal example of a type; quintessence: an archetype of the successful entrepreneur.

3. In Jungian psychology, an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious.

-From http://www.thefreedictionary.com/archetype

Transference is the projection of unconscious contents. Jung’s Studies in Word Association (1906) provided evidence for and referred to Freud’s concept of transference, published the previous year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -From http://www.answers.com/topic/transference-counter-transference-analytical-psychology

Collective Consciousness was a term coined by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim (1858–1917) to refer to the shared beliefs and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.[1]

-From http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/collective+unconscious

Collective Unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal unconscious is a personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species.

For Jung, “My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -From http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Collective+consciousness

Cognitive Dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation. It therefore occurs when there is a need to accommodate new ideas, and it may be necessary for it to develop so that we become “open” to them. Neighbour (1992) makes the generation of appropriate dissonance into a major feature of tutorial (and other) teaching: he shows how to drive this kind of intellectual wedge between learners’ current beliefs and “reality”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -From http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/dissonance.htm

Two cognitions are said to be dissonant if one cognition follows from the opposite of another. What happens to people when they discover dissonant cognitions? The answer to this question forms the basic postulate of Festinger¹s theory. A person who has dissonant or discrepant cognitions is said to be in a state of psychological dissonance, which is experienced as unpleasant psychological tension. This tension state has drivelike properties that are much like those of hunger and thirst. When a person has been deprived of food for several hours, he/she experiences unpleasant tension and is driven to reduce the unpleasant tension state that results. Reducing the psychological sate of dissonance is not as simple as eating or drinking however.

To understand the alternatives open to an individual in a state of dissonance, we must first understand the factors that affect the magnitude of dissonance arousal. First, in its simplest form, dissonance increases as the degree of discrepancy among cognitions increases. Second, dissonance increases as the number of discrepant cognitions increases. Third, dissonance is inversely proportional to the number of consonant cognitions held by an individual. Fourth, the relative weights given to the consonant and dissonant cognitions may be adjusted by their importance in the mind of the individual.

-From http://www.ithaca.edu/faculty/stephens/cdback.html

Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -From http://www.simplypsychology.org/cognitive-dissonance.html

I contend that cognitive dissonance can occur on both conscious and unconscious levels.

Double-bind: Bateson et al. suggest that a person caught in a “double bind” — a situation in which no matter what a person does, he “can’t win” — may develop schizophrenic symptoms. In the double bind there are two conflicting levels of communication and an injunction against commenting on the conflict. –From http://laingsociety.org/cetera/pguillaume.htm


(1) http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_was_the_Universal_Tarot_deck_invented

(2) http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_was_astrology_invented

(3) http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/


(4) http://www.msnewsnow.com/story/20836462/charges







Tags: Chaos Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Butterfly Effect, “The Secret”, “What the Bleep Do We Know”, Physics, Metaphysics, Tarot, Astrology, Graven Images, “reverse-curse”, Law of Attraction, Determinism, Freewill, Slavery, “Blind Justice”, Archetypal Transference, Memes, Archetypes, Psyche, Ophiuchus, Mind Control Programming, Satan, Serpent, Parasite, Serpent Class, Constitution, United States, C. G. Jung, Collective Unconscious, Projection, Richard Dawkins, Archetypal Determinism, Abraham-Hicks

Two Views On The Lack Of Freewill

12th Trump from the Thoth Tarot Deck


After what I have discovered regarding archetypal transference and its effect on freewill, I recently happened upon an article regarding freewill, or the lack thereof.

A Scientific View:

A Metaphysical View:

Abolish the Archetypes & Restore Freewill

I bring this subject up again because it seems that there are a great many people out there who seem to think that the elites (powers that be) need our consent to do certain things, like take away human rights. I simply do not agree with this concept because of what I have been through in my life. I have learned that my whole life has been virtually devoid of freewill, meaning, that for the most part, the events, decisions, beliefs, desires, and emotions I have experienced in my life have been a reaction to programming, via tell-a-vision, movies, music, trauma, neglect, verbal abuse, and, yes, implants.

As a member of a group known as targeted individuals, also known as nonconsentual human experimentees, I am having the same issues as so many others in this section of the population. However, after taking a long hard look at my life, I am seeing that this has been happening my whole life, albeit in a less obvious form…. or maybe I just wasn’t aware of it.

In 2008, I found the RFID sized implants in my ears, which is, coincedentally, the same year I began to hear voices, and the same year I found myself in horrifying pain in my privates, which hasn’t ceased today, but is now combined with all-over iching for no reason, hot spots on various areas of my body (as if someone is holding a lit match up to my skin), heart palpitaions, labored breathing (as if someone is sitting on my chest), burning in my chest and breasts, feeling like the bottoms of my feet are on fire, feeling a rush of adrenaline, making me a nervous wreck, unexplained fear, muscle cramps and twitches. I am simply not myself anymore. So, after making a concerted effort to become a more positive person in my life in 2007, it seems like there was some force out there that simply did not want me to become more positive. It came in and began torturing me in the most inhumane ways, as if in an effort to force me to be negative so that I would attract negative things into my life. I found that people I once trusted, family and friends, began to lie to and about me.Like many targeted individuals, the medical community, police, attorneys, etc., all deny it is happening.

Photos of my implants, which are easily seen by the naked eye, and felt to the touch, and are located about in the place where the external part of a cochlear implant would be (except they go through the cartilage of my ears), is at: https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/implants-any-questions/

At one point, I thought I was schizophrenic, so I saw a psychiatrist, who promptly dispensed schizophrenic medications to me, which, in fact, made the voices much worse. I was also turned down for disability by a judge, despite the fact that I was given schizophrenic medications, which leads me to believe there is something more insidious going on in my case. It seems to me that a disability has been induced with the use o these implants, so that I would be unable to work, yet, the judge denying me disability tells me that they just want me to die and not be able to get any real medical help, a hope which receiving medicare might have afforded me.

Since I was adopted, and held in custody of the Catholic agency for the first 6 weeks of my life, I have to consider the possibility that I was stolen and sold into a mind control program, which is why I am being targeted now, because I am a witness to an unethical crime done to a newborn baby. I do not say this lightly. I have done some research and found that the Catholic Church in Spain is responsible for stealing over 300,000 babies from their parents and selling them to adoptive families (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b016d7hz and http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/10/spains-stolen-babies-an-ugly-past-on-a-staggering-scale-2/), and I have also read of another Catholic adoption scandal in Ireland. Considering the opulence of the Vatican and the Catholic Church in general, it is not a stretch of the imagination that I might have been a victim of Catholic child-trafficking.

Regardless of how I arrived into the hands of such merciless individuals, able to put implants into a child’s head, and use trauma (typical drowning at 3y/o), neglect, verbal & emotional abuse, and mirrors to mind control me, the fact remains that there are simply way too many factors that parallel accounts from the Springmeier/Wheeler book on mind controlled slaves, for me to ignore them any longer.

That being said, it becomes clearer and clearer, with each passing day, that I am indeed a victim of mind control, repleat with implants, and yet, I am finding it difficult to find any help from the medical community so far. If I could only just remove one of these “glorified headphones”, I might find a serial number and be able to track down the manufacturer and who they sold them to. Since I was born at least 15 years after Dr. Jose Delgado began his research into brain stimulation, and since I know what that man was able to do with this stuff, I now know that I never truly had freewill. http://www.wireheading.com/delgado/brainchips.pdf

What was done to me is the direct removal of my freewill through the use of implants, among other typical mind control tactics.

Yet, I hold out the hope that some how, some way, I will find the help I need and deserve, after everything I have been through in my not-so-long life. I say this even though I have become a target for the worst kind of evil, forcing me out of my job, and ruining my entire life, which now has me in fear for my health, life, freedom, and my very soul. I am living in a world of the double-bind, where those things that are truly absurd, sick, and demented are being perpetrated, and/or tolerated by those around me. One look at my implants, and you would know I am not simply schizophrenic.

Those who implanted these things into my ears, and those who are now utilizing the technology to torment me with voices, are directly responsible for stealing the person I was meant to be away from me, and should be held accountable for their unethical and illegal behavior. https://musicis2words.wordpress.com/2012/12/19/this-is-a-bill/

Peace, and may every targeted individual find relief from this evil soon.

Abolish the Archetypes & Restore Freewill

Abolish the Archetypes & Bring Back Freewill


If you are familiar with concepts such as: “the butterfly effect”, “chaos theory”, & “the law of attraction”, and/or you understand the ideas behind movies such as “What the Bleep Do We Know?” (which talks a bit about Quantum Mechanics), & “The Secret”, then I feel you may have a better understanding of how I came to the following theory.


My Theory:


The way “law of attraction” is supposed to work is that, focusing on or repeating a certain idea or desire will bring that idea or desire to fruition. The “butterfly effect” is the theory that something seemingly small can have a big impact on something else. Both of these theories combine to make a big mess where tarot and astrology archetypes are concerned. These archetypes have been printed and reprinted an uncountable number of times, which, according to the butterfly effect and law of attraction, amplifies the vibration of those archetypes. In the meantime, more and more people end up studying these two disciplines, or at least getting readings done for them by other people. Every day, more and more people are exposed to these archetypes, and, as they are, the collective consciousness is increasingly affected by them. It is the repetition of a pattern that amplifies its vibration, and produces results specific to that pattern.


The only way to bring true goodness back into this world is to abolish the archetypes. I do not say this lightly. By tying someone’s birthdate to the astrology signs and tarot correspondences, freewill is severely restricted, causing people to generally behave in predetermined ways, based on these archetypes. So with astrology, we end up with scorpios being kind of mean, virgos being “know-it-all’s” (as I heard one virgo tell me), aries being rather hard-headed, and leos being hogs for attention. With the tarot, we end up with people born on double digits, displaying characteristics from various cards, but especially the trumps: for example, my mother was born on 4/4 and her corresponding trump card was the Emperor, and she displayed the characteristics of that card, and the symbolisms in that card were the main characters in her life. In my mother’s case the specific deck was the Crowley-Harris Thoth deck. Crowley was a known Satanist, who is said to have also been an MI6 agent.


The fact that most people in our society seem to fit most of the character traits of their star signs, whether they believe in astrology or not, means that these archetypes have been inserted into the collective consciousness, via archetypal transference, unbeknownst to the individual. This removes a measure of freewill, causing people to be stuck in cookie cutter personality traits and life patterns.  The fact that the tarot has become so popular in recent decades, has also caused the collective consciousness to be infected with a whole different set of predetermined archetypes, which then  removes an additional portion of freewill, again based on one’s birthdate.


Before I could come to this conclusion about the impact of tarot and astrology archetypes on the collective and individual consciousnesses, I had to examine my life in relation to my numerology and its connection to the trumps of the tarot. Once I did that, based on my having a double digit birthdate, I could not deny that the archetype of the tarot trump corresponding to that date, had a very significant impact on my development, long before I even knew the tarot or astrology even existed.


Who created these archetypes, anyway? I suspect it was someone playing God. Remove the archetypes and freewill may be restored. I see the archetypes, which are associated with birthdates, as “graven images” that became memes that have infected the collective consciousness, and have robbed freewill from the individual, but also, therefore, the person they were originally intended to be without these predestined, pre-fabricated, pre-appointed archetypal molds that were put into place centuries before the individual was born.

