A site examining metaphysical forensics & the manipulation of thought

Stop this Nonsense


I am a victim of mind control, PTSD, and OTSD.

I am threatened with poverty, jail, death, and eternal damnation, on a near constant basis. I also feel horrible pain in my privates. I was driven nuts in 2008 when I first began to hear their voices, telling me that all soul mates were coming back together & that everything was going to be made good in the world. Eventually, all those good sentiments turned into sheer psychological torture, on top of the physical pain in my privates which had disabled me to the point where I could not work a job, as I was on the floor screaming in pain for about 3 months.

The excuses for what they are doing to me are as follows: I am told that it serves me right, that I’m evil, that I’m satan or a demon & that these rfid-sized implants in my ears are horns. I’m told I was bad & that this is my punishment. I am told that it’s my karma although, if I had been allowed to develop the way God or nature intended, I would be a completely different person. I also hear that it’s because I am a bastard, & God don’t love bastards. Although, being adopted doesn’t necessarily mean that I was born out of wedlock, nor does it mean that my parents didn’t want me, considering all those adoption scandals out there.

I have also been told that they want no witnesses, so could they be alluding to my status as a nonconsensual human experimentee? These rfid-sized chips going through the the cartilage of my ears would indicate that this is a possibility. I am wearing the proof of what was done to me, & it is in their best interest to kill me. I can only hope that they die & come back into my life, to see how well they end up. While I may have made many mistakes in my life, I’m no serial killer, for cryin outloud!

More often than not, most other victims I come across do not keep in touch. We will send a couple of emails back and forth, or comment to each other on a blog or website, and then it’s like they begin to ignore me & won’t respond to my posts. I’m talking about people who experience the same stuff I do, or claim to anyway.

Have I become one of the untouchables that not even other Tis or folks in the so-called “truth movement” are willing to talk to? Am I like a leper?

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